Cand m-am apucat de acest blog, nu mi-am dat seama de cat de complicat va fi, sa expun traditia strabunilor nostrii, de cate "piese" dispun si cate altele lipsesc, (sau mai bine zis) "au disparut de-a lungul anilor... Din pacate, nu ne putem rezuma decat pe putine studii scrise: Herodot in "Istorii", Strabon in "Geografia" sa si inca cativa... Dar si aceste marturii pot fi "intoarse din condei"! Singurele marturii stiintifice, pot fi gasite in piesele arheologice gasite si ramase in patrimoniu, iar in rest pentru un "neprofesionist in ale istoriei", sunt simpe ipoteze. De aceea, am preferat sa aleg aceasta forma, si sa prezint pe acest blog, pareri profesioniste, dovezi arheologice si de alta natura, ce au fost descoperite, sau vor fi descoperite de acum incolo! Totodata, am prezentat, cateva site-uri si bloguri , ce mi se par interesante... Vizionare placuta!

joi, 4 martie 2010

Cucuteni-Trypillia Ancient Civilization of Europe ABNewsTV

by abnewstv

Collaboration between the experts of the national museums in Romania, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova has resulted in an intriguing and unique exhibition that captivates the visitor with the splendor and mysteries of an old Neolithic civilization, the CUCUTENI-TRYPILLIA.
Composed of more than 450 items, the collection is among the most significant discovered so far.
Tracing its roots back to the 5th millennium BCE. Cucuteni-Trypillia is considered to be the first great civilization of Europe having occupied the area that is now Romania, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova.

It would not be an understatement to describe the ceramics of the Cucuteni-Trypillia craftsmen as masterpieces. Starting around 5000BCE and enduring for nearly 1500-years these ancient artists produced pots and vessels that transmit the artists thinking and feeling, and fantasy by means of symbols and designs. At present there are more questions than answers about this important civilization. The more we find out about Cucuteni - Trypillia, the more this civilization becomes mysterious, especially with regards to the place and role in the world history.
ABNewsTV is a television production agency based in Rome providing comprehensive coverage of important news events, art, and culture as they occur and impact Italy. Our print and multimedia content is provided for and broadcasted on various important television networks, radio, newspapers and magazines in Spain.

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